March 2022
The HEINZMANN company is family owned like many of the German Hidden Champions. Politics and Religion are topics we should not get involved in – this has always been an unwritten rule.
That all changed on February 24th, when Mr Putin started his personal war against the Ukraine.
We have a development team of 8 people in Kiev. We fear for their lives, and are making every effort to stay in contact and support them and their families too. HEINZMANN will continue to support the Ukrainian people as best we can.
HEINZMANN is also supporting the sanctions and has stopped all deliveries to Russia.
The heroes in this are the Ukrainian people, led by their president Mr. Selenskyj, and HEINZMANN are pleased to see worldwide governments including that of Germany steadily increasing their support.
Statements should always have a positive impact. In this case it is not easy, but we are overwhelmed by the great solidarity worldwide in support of the Ukraine. Who would have thought that NIKE, DAIMLER, APPLE etc… would now be stopping supplies to Russia?

HEINZMANN supports Ukraine
(Source: Heinzmann GmbH & Co. KG)
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